Using the Python Django ORM For SQL Data Analysis

Ian Stokes-Rees, @ijstokes

PyData Boston, July 2013

Continuum Analytics </span>


Data Transformation

  • Some work to massage SQL from MySQL syntax to something SQLite3 will be happy with -- repo contains updated schema in employees.sql, but some manual search-and-replace is still required.
    • Hint if you use vim, adapt for other language search/replace:
%s/),/);^M INSERT INTO `replace_with_table_name` VALUES/g
  • Need to change all foreign key references to department by string name to department by integer.
  • Need to remove composite primary keys and add an id field to all tables except employees.
  • Need to run load_TABLENAME.dump on all dump tables except load_employees.dump

Create SQLite3 DB from SQL Dump

sqlite3 -init employees.sql employees.db

This will create 6 tables. The main one is:

  • Employees
    • emp_no
    • birth_date
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • gender
    • hire_date

The other 5 describe:

  • Departments
  • Managers (DeptManager)
  • Salaries
  • Titles
  • Department Assignments (DeptEmp)

Slurping this data in takes a little while (about 30 minutes for me).

Initialize Django Environment

You need to have Django installed. A few of these options will work if you don't have it already:

pip install django
conda install django

Now initialize the Django project: startproject datasnoop
mv datasnoop/datasnoop/* datasnoop
mv datasnoop/ .
rm -Rf datasnoop/datasnoop

This sets up the basic Django pieces. Now we need to add the "app" that will be the specific container for the Employee data:

pushd datasnoop
./ startapp employees

Grab Models from Existing DB

Edit datasnoop/ to point to employee.db:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../employees_db/employees.db'),

And also modify datasnoop/ to include datasnoop.employees in INSTALLED_APPS:


Now we can use inspectdb to extract models from the DB:

./ inspectdb > datasnoop/employees/

Let's take a look at what this has given us in datasnoop/employees/

class Employees(models.Model):
    emp_no     = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
    birth_date = models.DateField()
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=14)
    last_name  = models.CharField(max_length=16)
    gender     = models.CharField(max_length=1)
    hire_date  = models.DateField()
    class Meta:
        managed  = False
        db_table = 'employees'

Nice! We now have an ORM definition for interacting with the DB.

Create Model Admin Definitions

For our whizzy Django Admin interface to work, we need to register the auto-generated models using Django's admin class format.

We need to create a file datasnoop/employees/ that contains:

from django.contrib import admin
from datasnoop.employees.models import Departments, DeptEmp, DeptManager
from datasnoop.employees.models import Employees, Salaries, Titles

for cls in (Departments, DeptEmp, DeptManager, Employees, Salaries, Titles):

We'll see shortly that a bit more work will be needed but this is a good start.

Update DB with Django Doodads

Take a look at our current tables:

$ sqlite3 employees_db/employees.db .tables
    departments   dept_manager  salaries    
    dept_emp      employees     titles

Django has some of its own administrative tables it needs, so we'll create these:

./ syncdb

When prompted, add an admin user account with a valid email address and password, then look at the tables that now exist:

$ sqlite3 employees_db/employees.db .tables
    auth_group                  dept_manager              
    auth_group_permissions      django_admin_log          
    auth_permission             django_content_type       
    auth_user                   django_session            
    auth_user_groups            employees                 
    auth_user_user_permissions  salaries                  
    departments                 titles                    

Let's Take A Look!

We'll startup a simple webserver to connect to the admin interface of our Django website:

./ runserver

Now connect to the admin interface via http://localhost:8000/admin/ with the username and password you set earlier.

Well, not bad, but the aggregated lists of objects aren't very informative. We'll fix that next.

Augment ModelAdmins

Take a look at datasnoop/employees/, which is what we started with:

from datasnoop.employees.models import Departments, DeptEmp, DeptManager, Employees, Salaries, Titles

for cls in (Departments, DeptEmp, DeptManager, Employees, Salaries, Titles):

We're just taking advantage of the automatic admin interface. Instead, we need to specify exactly which fields we want to display in our list view, which we do in datasnoop/employees/

class EmployeesAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('emp_no', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'gender', 'birth_date', 'hire_date'), EmployeesAdmin)

Now let's see what this give us through our Admin web interface: http://localhost:8000/admin/

Introduce Search and Filter

If we click on the column headers, we can see it will sort the results by that column. Django Admin also provides mechanisms to facilitate search and filter. Let's add those in, by looking at datasnoop/employees/

class EmployeesAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('emp_no', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'gender', 'birth_date', 'hire_date')
    list_filter  = ('gender', 'birth_date', 'hire_date')
    search_fields = ['last_name']
    date_hierarchy = 'birth_date', EmployeesAdmin)

Foreign Keys

If you didn't perform the SQL data transformations described earlier, then the auto-generated models from inspectdb won't identify foreign keys, so unfortunately we can't reference through.

As a challenge, see if you can modify datasnoop/employees/ to reference ForeignKeys correctly -- there are some catches because of how Django wants to auto-index all keys.

Without model.ForeignKey('Foo') references we can't grab data from referenced fields.

Django CLI to the ORM

We get into the Django CLI by doing:

./ shell

From here we can do:

from datasnoop.employees.models import Employees, Departments, Salaries
men   = Employees.objects.filter(gender='M')
parto = Employees.objects.get(emp_no=10003)